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Revista mexicana de biodiversidad

On-line version ISSN 2007-8706Print version ISSN 1870-3453


GUZMAN-VASQUEZ, Héctor Miguel et al. The Dynastinae scarab beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) from Oaxaca, Mexico: updated checklist and analysis of their distribution. Rev. Mex. Biodiv. [online]. 2021, vol.92, e923419.  Epub Oct 25, 2021. ISSN 2007-8706.

An updated checklist of the Dynastinae from Oaxaca, Mexico and the analysis of their distribution are presented. Data were obtained from specimens and literature review. The similarity between the altitudinal strata was compared for the observed and potential distribution. Species richness by physiographic subprovince was also analyzed. A checklist of 98 species, 22 genera and 6 tribes, was obtained. The best represented tribe was Cyclocephalini (45 spp.). The genus with the greatest richness was Cyclocephala Dejean (34 spp.). The Sierra Madre de Oaxaca subprovince presented the greatest richness (53 spp.), followed by Valles Centrales de Oaxaca (38 spp.). Twenty-seven new altitude records and first locality records are reported for Cyclocephala comata Bates and Golofa pusilla Arrow. For both distributions (observed and potential) the altitudinal stratum with the highest diversity was EA500 (0-500 m) with 74 species. The genus Xyloryctes Hope presented the widest altitudinal range (0-2,900 m). Xyloryctes telephus Burmeister was the species with the widest altitudinal range (0-2,870 m). On the other hand, an inversely proportional relationship between diversity and altitude was observed; at higher altitudes, less species diversity. This pattern of diversity distribution coincides with Rapoport’s rule.

Keywords : Faunistic inventory; Species richness; Geographical distribution; Altitudinal strata; Geographic information systems; Digital elevation model.

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