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vol.85 número2Riqueza y composición florística de pteridobiontes en bosque mesófilo de montaña y ambientes asociados en el centro de Veracruz, MéxicoComunidades de microartrópodos relacionadas con costras biológicas de suelo en un matorral desértico en el noroeste de México índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista mexicana de biodiversidad

versión On-line ISSN 2007-8706versión impresa ISSN 1870-3453


AGUILAR-ESTRADA, Luis Gabriel; ORTIGOSA, Deneb; URBANO, Brian  y  REGUERO, Martha. Historic analysis of gastropods in the reef lagoon of Isla Verde, Veracruz, México. Rev. Mex. Biodiv. [online]. 2014, vol.85, n.2, pp.502-512. ISSN 2007-8706.

The community structure of the class Gastropoda in the reef lagoon of Isla Verde, Veracruz, was analyzed in 3 seasons: windy, dry and rainy. The community analysis of gastropods was based on 4 field trips conducted in October 2009, April, August and December 2010. The highest value of Shannon index was 2.422 bit/ind, the most abundant, 472 specimens, bottom was dead coral and the richest, 27 species, season was rainy season of 2010. The total number of records for this location was 111 species of gastropods. With the samplings carried out, the species richness increased 50%, finding a community with a total of 48 species, of which 18 were living representatives. The historical analysis was conducted based on a review of the area specimens deposited in national scientific collections, as well as records of species reported in the literature. Contrasting sampling with historical analysis, we observed a decrease locally critical in the number of species of large sizes and ornamental value, which reflects the urgency to realize and implement a management plan in the area.

Palabras llave : community structure; local decrease of species; PNSAV.

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