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Journal of the Mexican Chemical Society

versão impressa ISSN 1870-249X


SANCHEZ, Arturo et al. Infrared Irradiation-Assisted Multicomponent Synthesis of 2-Amino-3-cyano-4H-pyran Derivatives. J. Mex. Chem. Soc [online]. 2012, vol.56, n.2, pp.121-127. ISSN 1870-249X.

A simple, versatile, and efficient synthesis of 4H-pyran derivative compounds is achieved via a three-component cyclocon-densation of aldehyles, malononitrile, and ethyl acetoacetate, using ammonium hydroxide as the catalyst, promoted by infrared irradiation. The present method offers several advantages, such as high yields, non hazarlous reaction conditions as well as short reaction times.

Palavras-chave : Infrared Irradiation; three-component reaction; MCR; 4H-pyrans.

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