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vol.5 número1Dinámicas de reproducción y creación presentes en los movimientos socialesLa construcción del antagonista en los debates presidenciales del 2006 en México índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión On-line ISSN 2594-0686versión impresa ISSN 1870-2333


ESTEINOU MADRID, Javier. The reproduction of communicative power in Mexico through the Televisa Law. Polis [online]. 2009, vol.5, n.1, pp.51-90. ISSN 2594-0686.

On December 1st of 2005, the Deputy Chamber fast tracked approve ved the Radio and Television and Telecommunications Federal Laws reform project, also known as Televisa Law, and later, on March 30th it was ratified by the Senate of the Republic. Surprisingly, these proposals did not consider any of the statements made in the last 40 years by Mexican society regarding the radio and television system transformation and building of another communication system in Mexico. It only assumed the protection of the great media monopoly interests, especially Televisa and Televisión Azteca. This measure represented an enormous political and democratic backdrop which will mark future communication development in our nation. Hence it is necessary to rigorously analyze how this surprising political process of great communication and social consequences took place, and propose new action guidelines to build another collective communication model which would allow forwarding the republic in the XXI century.

Palabras llave : communicative reform; Radio and Television Law; Telecommunications Federal Law; communicative contra reform; Televisa; Cofetel; information monopolies; public media; communitarian media; parasite programming.

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