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Panorama económico (Ciudad de México)

Print version ISSN 1870-2171


GOMEZ RAMOS, Elsy L.; GOMEZ CHINAS, Carlos  and  GONZALEZ GARCIA, Juan. Tariff impact on the United States vs China trade war: an approach from the multidimentional staggering analysis. Panor. econ. (Ciudad de México) [online]. 2020, vol.16, n.31, pp.197-214.  Epub Feb 23, 2021. ISSN 1870-2171.

The article analyzes the trade war between China and the United States (US) focusing on determining the impact generated on economic sectors and sensitive products. It analyzes the impact of the commercial war from two perspectives: the first analyzes the evolution and escalation of the dispute since it was presented in 2018; the second and more developed, has to do with the determination of the impact that through the multidimensional staggering analysis tool, was carried out to classify the most sensitive sectors and products. The hypothesis that is demonstrated is that, the impact of the war, has mainly affected the primary sector as well as the level of prices that consumers have had to pay. In this sense, in the short term, all economic agents involved in this war lost, hence the expectation that open, with the recent understanding of Phase 1.

Keywords : tariffs; commercial war; impact; economic sectors; prices.

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