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vol.18 número4Correlación de la escala de Tarplay y el diagnóstico de pacientes con sospecha de tener síndrome de Sjögren del Centro Médico Nacional <<La Raza&gt;&gt;De las prótesis inmediatas a la sobredentadura: Reporte de un caso índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista odontológica mexicana

versión impresa ISSN 1870-199X


SALGADO CEDILLO, Irma; DURAN GUTIERREZ, Américo  y  DE LA TEJA ANGELES, Eduardo. Stomatological aspects in fragile X syndrome cases: Literature review and clinical case presentation. Rev. Odont. Mex [online]. 2014, vol.18, n.4, pp.236-240. ISSN 1870-199X.

Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is a genetic anomaly caused by excessive replication in the CGG nucleotide sequence which elicits severe physiological and physical anomalies which impair the child's intellectual development. Moreover, FXS constitutes, after Down's syndrome, the second most frequent genetic cause for mental retardation. Due to epidemiological transition, attention deficit disorders as well as hyperactivity are confused in the clinical diagnosis; this might lead to a situation where FXS might be under-diagnosed. In the realm of stomatological practice, behavior disorders are most important since communication can be considered the cornerstone of behavior management. The present study purports the aim of encouraging the clinician to look further into patients afflicted with mental retardation, TDA and hyperactivity to find FXS since under-diagnosis impairs treatment, is specific and genetic counseling for these patients is of the utmost importance.

Palabras llave : Fragile X syndrome; clinical and stomatological characteristics; under-diagnosis.

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