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Revista odontológica mexicana

versión impresa ISSN 1870-199X


DURAN GUTIERREZ, Américo; CASTILLO MANCILLA, Érika Berenice; TEJA ANGELES, Eduardo de la  y  RAMIREZ MAYANS, Jaime A. Problematic feeding in newborn patient, stomatological approach: Case report. Rev. Odont. Mex [online]. 2012, vol.16, n.4, pp.285-293. ISSN 1870-199X.

One of the newborn's main functions in life is feeding. This vital mechanism is performed through proper suction and deglutition as well as coordinated respiration. These functions enable the newborn to feed properly. Nevertheless, sometimes, we find patients who, due to their physical characteristics, genetic syndromes (Treacher-Collins, Pierre Robin, lip and palate clefts) or neurological characteristics such as psychomotor retardation or arthrogryposis, are conditioned to difficult feeding. It is therefore important to establish a treatment protocol to efficiently treat these patients, so they don't end up, as first instance, with gastrostomty cases. It is also important to recover functions, to enable feeding after the use of probes and syringes or other devices. A multidisciplinary approach is fundamental for these cases. Based on a scientific literature review of these cases, we present the case of a patient, presenting Treacher-Collins syndrome. The patient presented feeding difficulties in neo-natal phase. We inform of recommended treatment up to the point of complete reinstatement to normal feeding physiology. We deem necessary to assess the characteristics of these patients as well as indications for treatment than cannot be considered conventional.

Palabras llave : Difficult feeding techniques; genetic syndromes; multidisciplinary.

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