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Revista odontológica mexicana

Print version ISSN 1870-199X


PERALTA PEREZ, Magnolia; URIBE QUEROL, Eileen; GARCIA ARANDA, Raúl Luis  and  GUTIERREZ OPSINA, G. In vitro evaluation in the cytotoxicyty of three endodontic sealers on mice fibroblasts. Rev. Odont. Mex [online]. 2006, vol.10, n.2, pp.63-68. ISSN 1870-199X.

Endodotic sealers may cause periapical tissue cytotoxicyty following root canal treatments. In general, in vitro biocompatibility tests evaluate the cytotoxicity of sealers long after they have hardened. Hence, in this study we evaluated the acute effects of three sealers: AH-PlusTM, RoekoSealAutomix® (RSA) y Roth-Root using a pore membrane system where the sealers are placed on top just after mixing. Mouse fibroblast cultures were exposed for 6, 12, 24, 36, 48 y 72 hours to the sealers described above. After each period, the morphology and viability of fibroblasts were evaluated. There were no differences in morphology between cells exposed to RSA and control conditions. Fibroblasts exposed to the other two sealers detached from the culture dish, lost their flame-like morphology and appeared rounded. The number of cells in cultures exposed to RSA was similar to that of the control cultures. In contrast, fibroblast exposed to the other two sealers died after 6 hours of culture. In conclusion, because RSA essentially showed no cytotoxicyty, it appears that silicon-based sealers are the best options for treating root canals.

Keywords : Cell culture; tripan blue; Roth Root; AH-PlusTM; RoekoSealAutomix®.

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