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On-line version ISSN 2448-539XPrint version ISSN 1870-1191


PALERMO, Hernán M.; VENTRICI, Patricia  and  SANTARCIERI, Rocío. Neoliberalismo tecnoprogresista y sus alternativas: el caso de Mercado Libre y la organización Transistemas. Culturales [online]. 2022, vol.10, e696.  Epub Apr 17, 2023. ISSN 2448-539X.

This article aims to ascertain the meanings and values established in the corporate agenda of Mercado Libre, the leader in e-commerce in Latin America. Starting from a systematic survey of its appearances in the media and social networks, we address the meanings of inclusion and the imaginary of the future that it promotes as a technology-intensive company. The techno-inclusive agenda proposed by techno-progressive neoliberalism feeds on the demands of the new social movements to revitalize the idea of a hyper-individualized entrepreneurial subject and position technological innovation as the center of social well-being. Likewise, we include the activist experience of Transistemas, a LGTBIQ+ social organization that generates proposals for formal labor insertion in the computer industry. Considering these two cases, we attempt to analyze the tension between the technoprogressive neoliberal hegemonic agenda and the resignifications that are produced on it from grassroots political activism.

Keywords : Corporate agenda; technology; inclusion; political activism; entrepreneurship.

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