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On-line version ISSN 2448-539XPrint version ISSN 1870-1191


Mujeres indígenas rurales y pobreza. Los impactos de las desventajas frente a los recursos.Translated byJulio Ulises Morales López,  Marlen Martínez Domínguez,  Dulce Angélica Gómez Navarro. Culturales [online]. 2022, vol.10, e649.  Epub June 27, 2022. ISSN 2448-539X.

This study exposes the impacts of poverty on women in an indigenous municipality in Oaxaca with very high marginalization, by identifying resources, strategies and their effectiveness in women’s lives, from the theoretical approach of accumulated disadvantages. The ethnographic method was used through direct observations and interviews with a culturally situated gender perspective. The findings suggest that family migration was a survival strategy that encouraged access to assets during the 20th century, however, in recent decades the income generated by migration has lost relevance in total income to reduce poverty. Likewise, social programs have contributed to sustaining families but have not been able to avoid the migration of women and their families. The results of this work raise renewed perspectives to study the poverty of this new century, under other categories that lead to new strategies to understand and reduce it.

Keywords : Rural women; poverty; social inequality; migration.

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