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vol.2 issue1Metamorfosis de la vigilancia: literatura y sociedad de 1984 a NeuromanteActores y medios de comunicación en la toma del Club Campestre por estudiantes de la UABC, 1971 author indexsubject indexsearch form
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On-line version ISSN 2448-539XPrint version ISSN 1870-1191


VIDAL JIMENEZ, Rafael. El nuevo "panóptico" multidireccional: normalización consumista y espectáculo. Culturales [online]. 2014, vol.2, n.1, pp.187-214. ISSN 2448-539X.

Beyond classical political theory, centered on the figure of the state as core care, postmodernism has been focusing on the problem of power from a more microphysics and relational. It is a disciplinary vision that has to do with increasingly open devices control. These complementary permeate every aspect of social life. It is less coercive mechanisms of selective behavior shapers in the various areas of social life endowed with meaning. Thus, new information technologies and communication become complex and powerful panoptic surveillance equipment in very flexible and multidirectional flows of determining the selective behavior. Well contrasted with the old centralized visions of "Big Brother" Orwellian, this new multipanoptism operates on two levels. First, material, supervision of self-made daily-social action. And second, the symbolic construction of a dominant patterns segmentary consumer attitudes, emerging hyper plane and iconocratic of a new subject schizoid, held at the banal spectacle.

Keywords : power; panopticon; surveillance; consumerism; spectacle.

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