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vol.2 issue1Creación y apropiación de espacios sociales en el turismo gay: Identidad, consumo y mercado en el Caribe mexicanoIdentidad y vínculos erótico-afectivos serodiscordantes entre varones de la ciudad de México author indexsubject indexsearch form
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On-line version ISSN 2448-539XPrint version ISSN 1870-1191


MEZA VALDEZ, Aurelio  and  NIETO CAMACHO, Ana Lilia. Arte, literatura y acción colectiva en Tijuana-San Diego. Culturales [online]. 2014, vol.2, n.1, pp.95-123. ISSN 2448-539X.

The impact of collective actions in the art-literature fields in Tijuana and San Diego is herein described and analyzed. It is proposed that these fields are generally made out of collective actions, some with a local, short-term impact (from below) and other ones with the support of institutional apparatuses (from above). A distinction between formative and consolidated collectives, based on their different functions, is carried out. The case studies (Colectivo Intransigente, Agitprop Art Space and Cog⋅nate Collective), due to their independent nature, were created with formative functions and their actions were from below. However, their participation in collective projects has contributed to their consolidation, individually or as a group, within restricted fields. Next, a theoretical framework is outlined to describe collective actions and the collective types there are, according to their function. Some examples of collective action in the chosen groups, their goals, and strategies are analyzed, as well as their consequences in the art-literature fields. Lastly, a small recount of some sociologists' and philosophers' attitudes towards contemporary art is developed, and how the case studies modify or enforce their considerations.

Keywords : art; criticism; collective action; literature; Tijuana; San Diego.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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