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vol.2 issue1Miradas desde el humedal: Fotografía participativa con pescadoras y pescadores del sistema lagunar de AlvaradoCreación y apropiación de espacios sociales en el turismo gay: Identidad, consumo y mercado en el Caribe mexicano author indexsubject indexsearch form
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On-line version ISSN 2448-539XPrint version ISSN 1870-1191


LARA SAN LUIS, Tatiana E.. Ángeles Sin Fronteras, A.C. y el proceso de deportación a Mexicali, Baja California. Culturales [online]. 2014, vol.2, n.1, pp.49-70. ISSN 2448-539X.

American migratory policies that look by all means repatriate all Mexican staff are not a new issue. Moreover, and contrary to what one might think, deportation and repatriation to the Mexican northern border are part of a long historic process. In this case the prevailing need of sending over immigrants trough massive deportations -which began at the late nineties- and to improve the conditions in which these happen have led to the consolidation of new associations (whether civil or religious) that are destined to offer support to the newcomers compatriots. A clear example of this is the association for immigrants and deported in Mexicali City, called "Ángeles Sin Fronteras", whom since the opening of "Hotel del Migrante", give free shelter and food to all male deported in this city. At the same time, they promote active community participation through donations and interaction of immigrants at the new city, creating new survival mechanisms for those who are left in outdoors conditions.

Keywords : deportation; Hotel del Migrante; civil participation.

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