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vol.1 número2Estrategias para el rescate y valorización del queso tenate de Tlaxco: Un análisis desde el enfoque de sistemas agroalimentarios localizados (Sial)Concepciones de género y conflictos de pareja: Un estudio con parejas pobres heterosexuales en dos zonas urbanas de Sonora índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión On-line ISSN 2448-539Xversión impresa ISSN 1870-1191


ORTEGA VILLA, Luz María; LEY GARCIA, Judith; FIMBRES DURAZO, Norma A.  y  ROJAS CALDELAS, Rosa I.. Caracterización del paisaje del Valle de Mexicali según sus habitantes: Aproximaciones textuales a la topofilia. Culturales [online]. 2013, vol.1, n.2, pp.55-90. ISSN 2448-539X.

The textual analysis of the verbal description about the landscape given by Mexicali Valley inhabitants showed aspects of valuation, as well as similarities and differences according to age group. Also, some emotional and experiential elements that have an impact on the preferences and identification that those individuals expressed in relation to some places in the region were revealed, in which the term topophilia became apparent. Although the main purpose of the research in this article was focused on the inhabitants perception about Mexicali Valley landscape, the results allowed approaching topophilia through the reasons given by the interviewed persons for preferring or identifying with a particular place in the region studied.

Palabras llave : landscape; topophilia; desert; Mexicali.

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