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vol.3 número6¿Una ética de cara al futuro? Derechos humanos y responsabilidades de la generación presente frente a las generaciones por venirMulticulturalidad y educación intercultural: Entre el neoindigenismo y la autonomía índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión On-line ISSN 2594-1917versión impresa ISSN 1870-0063


SAIZ ARANGUREN, José Ángel. A foundational premise: to be for everybody. Andamios [online]. 2007, vol.3, n.6, pp.81-94. ISSN 2594-1917.

The main idea expressed by Fernando Savater in his works in ethics on the subject of human rights is that, when we confront the question of to whom do we refer when we speak of human rights, to concrete, physical persons or to "collective persons," that is to say corporations, the response is obvious: we are speaking of individual persons, because collective persons don't exist.

Palabras llave : Human right; democracy; freedom, political project; autonomy.

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