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vol.2 issue4Laclau and Ranciére: Some coordinates for the interpretation of the politicalFallibility and reasonability in the philosophy of science and the philosophical hermerneutics author indexsubject indexsearch form
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On-line version ISSN 2594-1917Print version ISSN 1870-0063


MENDEZ, Sigmund. The Barroque as the end of the allegorical conception of the world. Andamios [online]. 2006, vol.2, n.4, pp.147-180. ISSN 2594-1917.

This article offers a panoramic view of the Baroque through the scope of allegory as a main conceptual key to the Weltanschauung inherited from the Antiquity and the Middle Ages. Phenomena like the Reformation and the growth of scientific thought brought a new era in the conception of man and his place in the world, as well as of his symbolic constructions and artistic and literary devices. This process implied a "Copernican" revolution that supposed the fragmentation of the old maps of reality and the design of new ones. The allegory is at the center of this cultural cataclysm, and a brief cartography of its destruction may help to construct a double pattern, on the one hand, of the fall of a millenary ideological temple, and on the other, of the new ideas that emerge from those ruins developing their own epistemological construct.

Keywords : Baroque; allegory; literature; XVIIth Century thought.

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