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Economía UNAM
versão impressa ISSN 1665-952X
BASURTO HERNANDEZ, Saúl e ESCALANTE SEMERENA, Roberto. The impact of the economic crisis on Mexico's agriculture. Economía UNAM [online]. 2012, vol.9, n.25, pp.51-73. ISSN 1665-952X.
The present work has as aim introduce the reader to the problem of the impacts of the crisis in the agricultural sector of Mexico. A reflection is done on the planetary crisis of 2009, taking it as the point of item of the analysis. Later, is explained which has been the evolution of the sector during the last years up to coming to the period of the economic conjuncture. The agricultural Mexican sector has stayed behind in the area of importance of the economy of this country. Inside the principal results of the work it is possible to emphasize that the agricultural sector every time has minor relative importance in term of production. In addition, it shows differentiated effects and the consequences on the labor markets demonstrate as loss of employment and precarización of the same one and it possesses fewer resources to finance his development, which turns it less competitive. here are done a brief analysis of the world recent crisis and the experiences of several countries; there are analyzed his evolution and the effects of the economic contraction in the agricultural sector in Mexico and they present some results econométricos and the possible scenes of the sector and some conclusions offer.
Palavras-chave : Agriculture; Micro Analysis of Farm Firm; Agricultural Policy.