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vol.8 número24Disparidades en el crecimiento económico de los estados de México en el contexto del Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Economía UNAM

versión impresa ISSN 1665-952X


VALDERRAMA SANTIBANEZ, Ana Lilia  y  NEME CASTILLO, Omar. Effect of the technologies of the information and communications (TIC) in the manufacturing exports in Mexico. Economía UNAM [online]. 2011, vol.8, n.24, pp.99-122. ISSN 1665-952X.

This paper analyzes the effects of changes in the purchase of computer equipment and peripherals (investment in information technology and communication - ICT) on exports by kinds of manufacturing in Mexico using data from the Annual Industrial Survey and Industrial Stan üecd data base for the period 2003-2006, distinguishing among industries with high and low technology. We used a methodology of cross-sectional to evaluate the effect of such technologies in each year. The results indicate that investment in ICT has a positive effect on manufacturing exports, particularly in industries with low technological content that can integrate them into their export activities. In general, the use of hours of skilled labor is an important factor for exports.

Palabras llave : exportaciones; tecnologías de la información y comunicaciones; industria manufacturera.

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