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vol.8 número24México y Canadá ante la crisis financiera estadounidense: un estudio comparativoEfecto de las tecnologías de la información y comunicaciones (TIC) en las exportaciones manufactureras en México índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Economía UNAM

versión impresa ISSN 1665-952X


RODIL MARZABAL, Óscar  y  LOPEZ AREVALO, Jorge Alberto. Disparities in the economic growth of the conditions of Mexico in the context of North American Free Trade Agreement. Economía UNAM [online]. 2011, vol.8, n.24, pp.78-98. ISSN 1665-952X.

This work aims at analyzing disparities in the economic growth of the Mexican states under the process of external insertion of Mexico. The compared evolution of gdp per capita is analyzed considering the national average and trying to establish a typology based on different situations and observed tendencies, that allow to group states with similar behaviors. In addition, we try to offer an explanation of the behavioral diversity, identifying some of the main determining factors (human capital, foreign direct investment and border effect, productive structure). Results display the simultaneous coexistence of convergence and divergence processes, showing the diverse influence of some of the main sources of economic growth as well as strong territorial specificities.

Palabras llave : economic growth; disparities; convergence/divergence; Mexico; NAFTA.

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