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Revista de El Colegio de San Luis

On-line version ISSN 2007-8846Print version ISSN 1665-899X


RODRIGUEZ CASTILLO, María de los Ángeles  and  AMEZOLA GONZALEZ, Damián Rodrigo. An Approach to the Nineteenth Century Mexican Chronicle. One Brief History. Revista Col. San Luis [online]. 2022, vol.12, n.23, 00035.  Epub May 27, 2024. ISSN 2007-8846.

The chronicle has been studied from its discursive breadth. Its vindication as a historical text and as a cultural product have made it an object of interest in contemporary historiography and Cultural Studies. However, its study from the History of Literature has not been sufficient. Because of it, this text will firstly show the diversity of the chronicle concept; and in second place, it will expose the development of the chronicle in Mexico through a corpus of seventeen texts from the nineteenth century, taking to this account a time limit based on guidelines proposed by Belem Clark (2009). This century is the point of departure for the corpus of this study because it is during this period that the hybridization of the chronicle and journalism came about, a fact that relegated the study of this text from the literary academy. Therefore, within the various concepts in which the chronicle has been handled, though arguable, the genre revindicates in its historicity given by historiographical and the multiple disciplinary studies eclosion.

Keywords : chronicle; mexican literature; 19th Century; literature and journalism; literary genre.

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