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Migraciones internacionales

On-line version ISSN 2594-0279Print version ISSN 1665-8906


PEREZ RIPOSSIO, Ramiro Nicolás. Migration Chains in the Diaspora of South American Transvestites/Trans Women Residents of the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires. Migr. Inter [online]. 2022, vol.13, rmiv1i12471.  Epub Feb 17, 2023. ISSN 2594-0279.

The article analyzes the migratory chains that constitute South American transvestites and trans women who reside in the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires during the period 2017-2019, paying special attention to the role of godmothers. The migratory projects of these people are produced because of the hostility and vulnerability they experience in their surroundings and have different instances. One of them is the migratory chains that refer to the social capital necessary to be able to leave the sending society and settle in the receiving society. In this way, South American transvestites/trans women constitute diverse migratory chains that can be characterized as horizontal and vertical, being the godmothers key actors in their diasporas. The focus of the article is qualitative and the method used is grounded theory. According to a theoretical sample consisting of 41 interviews, the information was analyzed using Atlas.Ti.

Keywords : 1. migratory chains; 2. transvestites/trans; 3. migrations; 4. MABA; 5. Argentina.

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