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vol.7 número3Mujeres latinoamericanas inmigrantes jefas de hogares monoparentales en EspañaDinámicas identitarias en procesos de transición psicosocial: Adolescencia y migración. Estudio de caso índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Migraciones internacionales

versión On-line ISSN 2594-0279versión impresa ISSN 1665-8906


HERNANDEZ FLORES, José Álvaro. Migratory Practices and Social Reproduction in Peri-urban Domestic Groups. Migr. Inter [online]. 2014, vol.7, n.3, pp.191-219. ISSN 2594-0279.

This paper analyzes the category of social reproduction strategies to explain the origin and meaning of the social practices of the inhabitants of a rural periurban territory, which in recent years has been subject to an intense territorial reconfiguration process, caused mainly by migration. The approach, based on an analysis of the reproductive dynamics of households, examines the various ways in which social aspects are reproduced in a rural area under stress due to its interaction with processes and actors from other areas. It also helps to explain and understand the nature of the social conditionings present in the social practices undertaken by the actors who construct this periurban territory on a daily basis.

Palabras llave : migration; territory; periurbanisation; identity; social reproduction.

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