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vol.8 issue1Transformaciones en comunidades Maya-Mam de Huehuetenango, Guatemala: flujos migratorios y discursivosTlaxcala: entre la modernización y la frontera del retroceso -del Prosperato a la Revolución Mexicana- author indexsubject indexsearch form
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On-line version ISSN 2007-8900Print version ISSN 1665-8027


PENA CUANDA, María del Carmen. Diásporas, identidades y movimientos poblacionales no transnacionales. LiminaR [online]. 2010, vol.8, n.1, pp.122-136. ISSN 2007-8900.

This article is an effort to analyze the several different theoretical debates surrounding the diasporas and the diasporic identities; in particular the interstate demographic migration (Chiapas, Mexico), voluntary in nature (young people driven out to pursue their advance studies) on which I occupy most of my time while in the process of the developing my current investigation. The fundamental analytic axis is the notion of identity, driving my interest to develop a theoretical dialogue between my investigation and the characteristic elements of the diasporas.

Keywords : Identity; diaspora; diasporic identity; interstate demographic migration.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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