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Journal of applied research and technology

On-line version ISSN 2448-6736Print version ISSN 1665-6423


MAHADEVAN, G.; RAMASAMY, N.; JAYASEELAN, V.  and  MOHAMED BAK, K.. Effect of hydrothermal aging behavior on surface treated Kevlar fiber laminated composites. J. appl. res. technol [online]. 2023, vol.21, n.5, pp.850-857.  Epub Aug 23, 2024. ISSN 2448-6736.

The water sorption characteristics of Kevlar fiber-reinforced epoxy composites were studied by immersion in water at 80 °C. The hydrothermal aging process was conducted on treated and untreated Kevlar/epoxy composites; also, the composite was evaluated by the three-point bending test. The phosphoric acid (PA) pretreated with Epichlorohydrin (ECH) was used for the surface modification of Kevlar. In the case of chemically modified fiber composites, water uptake was found to be dependent on the chemical treatment done on the fiber surface. The lowest water uptake was observed for composites treated with PA with ECH. The effect of thermal aging on the flexural strength of the treated Kevlar composite was 20.42% higher than the untreated composite. Consequently, the flexural modulus was 13.9% higher than the untreated Kevlar composite. Moreover, the water diffusion coefficient of treated composite is 30.19% higher than untreated composite. It was concluded that fiber/matrix degradation time at the interface region was increased in the case of the treated composite due to the increase of interfacial polar bonding in the Kevlar composites. The surface morphology (SEM) and XRD analysis were used to validate the experimental results.

Keywords : Kevlar fiber; flexural strength; hydrothermal; surface treatment.

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