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vol.16 número31El humanismo conservador: letras clásicas y política a mediados del siglo XIX índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 1665-4420


CARBAJAL LOPEZ, David. Among laws, customs and mysterious ceremonies: royal patronage and maundy thursday rituals in New Spain eighteenth century. Sig. his [online]. 2014, vol.16, n.31, pp.8-37. ISSN 1665-4420.

Throughout the XVIII century, in diverse cathedrals of New Spain the problem of rituals established for the vice-patrons was stated, particularly in the solemnities of Holy Thursday. This topic which was addressed indirectly and ambiguously by civil legislation, the bourbon reformers decided not to establish fixed rules for it, and therefore it was greatly influenced by diverse local customs. So practices were introduced such as the demonstration of the Eucharist before its deposit or returning the key of the tabernacle to the vice-patrons. The bishops of the time, although they were faithful servants of the Crown, tried to limit when possible her intervention in some ceremonies that they considered sacred. This is how the ceremonies inherited by the first republican governments were created.

Palavras-chave : rituals; liturgy; cathedrals; Bourbon Reforms; patronage.

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