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Print version ISSN 1665-4420
SANCHEZ SILVA, Carlos and ARRIOJA DIAZ VIRUELL, Luis Alberto. Los cabildos eclesiástico y civil de Antequera ante la crisis imperial de 1808-1810. Sig. his [online]. 2008, vol.10, n.20, pp.83-126. ISSN 1665-4420.
The object of this article is to examine the opinions that the ecclesiastic and civil cabildo de Antequera del Valle de Oaxaca faced before the imperial crisis of 1808: in one hand, suggesting its fidelity to the king, but in the other hand, also to settle with pending matters, in particular to support a regressive and radical politic that abolishes the sistema de intendencias in New Spain. In that way, the rehearsal is an initial effort to relate the function and composition of the mentioned corporations as the ideological, religious, political and economic interests that displayed the work in the Antequera of the second half of the XVIII century and de first decade of de XIX century.
Keywords : Antequera; Cabildo; imperial crisis; repartimientos de mercancías; representation.