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Política y gobierno

versão impressa ISSN 1665-2037


BELTRAN, Ulises. Traditional Media and Social Networks in the 2018 Presidential Election. Polít. gob [online]. 2020, vol.27, n.2, ePYG1277.  Epub 17-Fev-2021. ISSN 1665-2037.

Abstract: This article seeks to understand the relationship between voter preferences and both media consumption and attention to political advertising during the last presidential election in Mexico. To do this, I discuss some statistical models where the dependent variables are the vote for each candidate and the change or stability in their preferences, and the independent variables are the intensity of media consumption, measured through weekly exposure to news about the campaign, and individual recollection of the candidates’ political ads. These models do not show a significant relationship between media consumption and electoral preferences. Contrary to the belief that social media helped the winning candidate, this study finds no empirical support for such claim, in line with the literature that finds that the media has little or no effect on voter preferences.

Palavras-chave : 2018 election; media; media effects; social media.

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