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vol.27 número2Candidatos asesinados en México, ¿competencia electoral o violencia criminal?El poder del voto. Cambio electoral y sistemas de partidos a nivel federal en México en 2018 índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Política y gobierno

versão impressa ISSN 1665-2037


SONNLEITNER, Willibald. Participation, Representation and Political Inclusion. Is There an Indigenous Vote in Mexico?. Polít. gob [online]. 2020, vol.27, n.2, ePYG1282.  Epub 17-Fev-2021. ISSN 1665-2037.

Deficient political representation of indigenous peoples stands out as a pending issue of Mexico’s democratization, since they are among the most marginalized and discriminated sectors of one of the most diverse, multi-ethnic nations of Latin America. This contribution analyses the recent evolution and the persistent gap in indigenous legislative representation in Mexico. Then, the results of federal elections between 1991 and 2018 are scrutinized in order to identify patterns of voting behavior and trends in electoral turnout in indigenous polling stations, controlling by other socio-demographic variables. The conclusions highlight the inexistence of a specific indigenous vote, the political diversity of indigenous territories and their implications for public policies aimed at expanding indigenous representation and political inclusion.

Palavras-chave : affirmative action; indigenous voting; representation of ethnic groups; political inclusion of minorities.

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