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vol.22 número1Percepciones económicas retrospectivas y voto por el partido en el poder, 1994-2012Determinantes individuales, socio-culturales y político-institucionales de la independencia partidista índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Política y gobierno

versión impresa ISSN 1665-2037


BENITO SANCHEZ, Ana Belén. Pacts, Electoral Alliances and Party Shifting: Models of Strategic Cooperation in the Dominican Party System. Polít. gob [online]. 2015, vol.22, n.1, pp.87-123. ISSN 1665-2037.

How do dominican political parties negotiate and what do they exchange? Analyzing the political agreements, electoral alliances and party shifting in Dominican Republic, this article presents a model of strategic cooperation, his types of interaction based on the principal actors (elites, parties or candidates), in a dual orientation (particularistic versus universalistic) determined by incentives and associate costs. The Dominican experience shows that the negotiate skills not always are used in the name of democratic governance, but reinforce the perverse institutionalization process.

Palabras llave : pacts; alliances; party shifting; particularistic politics; Dominican Republic.

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