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On-line version ISSN 1665-1456


HERNANDEZ GOMEZ, Emir et al. Physicochemical and bioactive properties of edible films based on alginate and melipona honey. Biotecnia [online]. 2024, vol.26, e2028.  Epub Oct 18, 2024. ISSN 1665-1456.

Edible films (EFs) present an alternative to increase the shelf life of fruits and vegetables by serving as a barrier for the transfer of oxygen and moisture; and at the same time, to allow the release of compounds with antioxidant and antimicrobial activity into the food. In the present study, films based on sodium alginate (A) were formulated and characterized at different concentrations of melipona honey (M). The EFs were formulated with a concentration of 2 % A and 6 different concentrations of M (from 0 to 1.6 % w/v) and their physical, barrier, mechanical, optical, structural, morphological, and bioactive properties were evaluated. The physical properties of the films showed an increase in thickness and density and a decrease in the percentage of moisture with increasing honey content. The EFs showed a plasticizing effect observed at the highest concentration of M, reflecting an increase of up to 9 % in the percentage of elongation, a decrease in tensile strength, and elastic modulus of 18.36 MPa and 283.88 MPa, respectively. The formulation with 1.6 % M showed suitable physicochemical and plasticizing properties to be used as EFs.

Keywords : Alginate; honey; edible films; innovation; plasticizing agent.

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