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On-line version ISSN 1665-1456
YNFANTE-MARTINEZ, Danay et al. Morpho-cultural characterization and genetic and molecular variability of Trichoderma isolates. Biotecnia [online]. 2023, vol.25, n.2, pp.194-203. Epub Aug 25, 2023. ISSN 1665-1456.
The genus Trichoderma, described by Persoon and Rifai, on the basis of morpho-physiological characteristics, had nine species; however, they were not satisfactorily differentiated. The molecular techniques allowed to ratify and to identify other new ones; at present, 453 Trichoderma species are reported. The polyphasic identification is imposed, due to the complexities of the genus. The objective of this work was to characterize Trichoderma isolates based on morphological-cultural and genetic aspects. Morphological descriptions were made from microscopic observations of microcultures, according to Rifai, Gams and Bissett. The vegetative compatibility relationships were macroscopically evaluated, and the type of reaction (compatible or incompatible) was determined. The genetic variability was analyzed by RAPD; using the Jaccard method with the FreeTree statistical package. The isolates presented similar morphological characteristics, although there were differences in the colonies coloration and the fungal structures morphometry. They were compatible with T. viride, T. asperellum and T. atroviride species, and each other. RAPD generated 92 reproducible bands, 65 were polymorphic (70.7 %). Clustering by UPGMA showed intraspecific variability, forming four groups. For T.13, T.17, T.75 and T.78 specific bands were detected, useful for the specific primers design for authentication, protection and monitoring in productive systems.
Keywords : morphometric characterization; vegetative compatibility; genetic variability.