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On-line version ISSN 1665-1456
SANTOS-VAZQUEZ, Alondra Guadalupe; VELAZQUEZ-LOPEZ, Arturo Alberto and VELA-GUTIERREZ, Gilber. Viability of lactic acid bacteria in two functional foods formulated with whey and malanga. Biotecnia [online]. 2020, vol.22, n.3, pp.138-145. Epub Feb 10, 2021. ISSN 1665-1456.
Whey, a cheese- derived product, contains good quality carbohydrates and proteins, which makes it a suitable medium for the bacterial development. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are used in foods to provide a wide variety of characteristics; these bacteria have been used for the production of edible films and antibacterial compounds that extend products shelf life. Our objective was to evaluate the viability of LAB in two products formulated with whey and flour of malanga corms. The products were physical, microbiological and sensorially evaluated. By mixing two edible gums and Lactobacillus culture, a film was developed and applied to the bread crust added with whey and malanga flour; for the ice cream, first a fermented beverage was elaborated (48 hours) with Lactobacillus, the flavor was added and then frozen. The viability of the LAB was evaluated every week for a month in both products. The results indicate that the foods maintained a high growth of lactic acid bacteria (>106 CFU/ mL). The best gums in the preparation of the coating were xanthan and malanga.
Keywords : whey; cocoyam; functional food.