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Signos filosóficos

Print version ISSN 1665-1324


BOTERO MARINO, Jerónimo  and  LEAL GRANOBLES, Yuliana. Subject and action in Hannah Arendt’s political thought. Sig. Fil [online]. 2015, vol.17, n.33, pp.52-76. ISSN 1665-1324.

n Arendt, a political subject is essentially free, unique, singular, and unpredictable. He is revealed through action and speech in a scheme of human relationships where observers -not the agent- are the ones who determine the meaning of the who through the construction of a narrative identity. However, there is a big problem, because as much as this link is mentioned in The Human Condition, the relationship between action and the one who performs it is quite dark. This is a difficultly caused by her original way of understanding action and speech. The purpose of this essay is to analyze how the subject is revealed in political action from Arendt’s perspective, with its respective scope and limitations.

Keywords : subject; action; speech; meaning: identity.

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