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vol.15 número29Lo sublime y la reunificación del sujeto a partir del sentimiento: La estética más allá de las restricciones de lo bello índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Signos filosóficos

versión impresa ISSN 1665-1324


FILGUEIRAS NODAR, José María  y  ESTEBAN CLOQUELL, José Miguel. The history tale of philosophy as persuasive tool: The case of Richard Rorty. Sig. Fil [online]. 2013, vol.15, n.29, pp.137-163. ISSN 1665-1324.

The first part of this paper discusses the persuasive power of narratives, especially when applied to history of philosophy, linking it with the opposition between reasons and emotions, and with the well-known rortyan theme of redescriptions. It also presents briefly the outlines of the historical reconstruction made by Rorty and the typology of historiographical genres established by him. The second part shows some examples of the way Rorty uses persuasion to develop two such genres: historical reconstructions and rational reconstructions.

Palabras llave : historiography of philosophy; narratives; redescriptions; Rorty.

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