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Tópicos del Seminario
versión On-line ISSN 2594-0619versión impresa ISSN 1665-1200
FONTANILLE, Jacques. The Advent of Form. Mutations, Interactions, Emotions, and Imperfections. Tóp. Sem [online]. 2019, n.42, pp.19-47. Epub 10-Ene-2020. ISSN 2594-0619.
This paper proposes to explore various concepts of form (Plato, Aristotle, Gestalt theory, Hjelmslev, Greimas) in order to understand not just what form is, but to observe how it is to be grasped and known, how it takes place for a subjective center of perception and sensitive collection, and why all of this implies that the forms should be imperfect in order to be attainable. This question will be addressed in the light of an existential situation staged by Sartre. In this manner, at least two types of semiotic situations are found in which the forms are presented as unstable and relative to subjectivity. The first type is the semiotic analysis, inspired by Hjelmslev and Greimas. And the second is the dynamics of interaction and confrontation between Umwelten and forms of life.
Through the analysis of these situations, one is advised that the advent of form is ingrained, beyond the technical discussions between Hjelmslevian and Greimasian exegetes, in the anthropological and biosemiotic components of the construction of thought and signification.
Palabras llave : form; Gestalt; substance; environment; Umwelt; advent; event; anthroposemiotics.