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 número41Subjetividad, subjetalidad y subjetivación: el devenir (del) sujeto¿Un sujeto trascendente para la semiótica? índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Tópicos del Seminario

versión On-line ISSN 2594-0619versión impresa ISSN 1665-1200


RUIZ MORENO, Luisa. Diagram of the subject. Tóp. Sem [online]. 2019, n.41, pp.79-112. ISSN 2594-0619.

This paper presents a complex diagram that has been developed to consider the problematic of the subject and subjectivity, and thus contribute to a semiotic of the subject. Such a diagram consists of a graph that, from the support of a set of spheres, takes up other constitutional models of signification, such as the semiotic square and the tensive scheme. To this end, it has been necessary to demarcate the diagram concept and its affiliations, then review the contributions of the so-called subject-form semiotics to postulate a dynamic corporeality inherent in the subject. Thus, the diagram of the subject appears as a morphology with its own syntax, whose motor would be enunciation as a continuous and structuring ego event.

Palabras llave : diagram; subject; subjectivity; subject-form; soma and seme; corporeality; event; emptiness.

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