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Tópicos del Seminario
versión On-line ISSN 2594-0619versión impresa ISSN 1665-1200
CABRERA, Isabel. Kafka through Job, Job through Kafka. Tóp. Sem [online]. 2009, n.22, pp.157-174. ISSN 2594-0619.
Following Borges' idea that each author creates his own predecessor, this article intends to read part of the work of Kafka through the Book of Job and imagine a kind of dialogue between both in order to demonstrate that using the biblical text as a background, Job permits us to refine and relate, within its own literary context, some of the central images in Kafka. But, different from other readings that have as a purpose to find a certain religiosity in Kafka similar to that which is present in the biblical text of Job, this text strives for the contrary: it is Kafka that permits us to see the incipient irreligiosity in the Book of Job.