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Boletín médico del Hospital Infantil de México

Print version ISSN 1665-1146


GALINDO GOMEZ, Abelardo et al. Adiponectin levels in breast milk of overweight/obese and normal weight mothers in the metropolitan area of Monterrey, México. Bol. Med. Hosp. Infant. Mex. [online]. 2015, vol.72, n.4, pp.242-248. ISSN 1665-1146.


Given the current epidemic of childhood obesity, it has become increasingly important to understand the risks and protective factors associated with this disease. Breastfeeding has been identified as a protective factor; however, the mechanism responsible has not been elucidated. One of the current theories analyzes the role of hormones in breast milk, with special emphasis on adiponectin. This study aims to compare adiponectin levels in breast milk of mothers with normal weight with those in breast milk of overweight/obese mothers as well as to correlate these levels with the infant's weight gain.


Forty samples of breast milk were analyzed for adiponectin levels using ELISA, 20 from mothers with normal weight and 20 from overweight/obese mothers.


Adiponectin levels were lower in breast milk obtained from overweight/obese mothers than in breast milk from mothers with normal weight (p <0.05). When comparing infant weight gain, those fed with breast milk containing higher concentrations of adiponectin had a lower weight gain than those fed with breast milk containing low levels of the hormone (p <0.05).


There is a strong negative correlation between mothers' BMI and adiponectin levels in breast milk. Mothers with a higher BMI had lower adiponectin levels in their breast milk. There is also a negative relationship between adiponectin levels in breast milk and weight gain of breastfed infants. Infants breast fed with adiponectin-rich breast milk had a lower weight gain.

Keywords : Childhood obesity; Adiponectin; Breastfeeding.

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