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Boletín médico del Hospital Infantil de México
Print version ISSN 1665-1146
GALEAS, Rubén Arturo et al. Anti-HLA antibodies and acute renal graft rejection in children. Bol. Med. Hosp. Infant. Mex. [online]. 2010, vol.67, n.6, pp.492-502. ISSN 1665-1146.
Background. Although new immunosuppressive therapies have signifcantly improved the clinical progression of kidney transplants, acute and chronic rejection continue to limit long-term graft survival. Despite this, the aim of the study was to determine the presence of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) antibodies class I and class II in children with acute renal graft rejection. Methods. Patients with graft rejection were included in the study. A serum sample for anti-HLA antibody measurement class I and II by Luminex was taken at the time of renal biopsy. Results. Seventeen patients (81%) had cellular rejection and four (19%) antibody-mediated rejection. Mean post-transplant time of rejection was 18.7 months and 36.7 months for humoral rejection and cellular rejection, respectively. Eleven patients (52.3%) had donor specific (DS) antibodies. Anti-HLA class I DS was found in six patients including the four patients with humoral rejection (Fisher exact test p =0.004); 95.2% had non-DS antibodies. Conclusions. Of the children with acute renal graft rejection, 95% have anti HLA antibodies (DS and/or non-DS). Anti-HLA DS class I are more frequent in humoral rejection.
Keywords : antibody mediated rejection; rituximab; plasmapheresis; intravenous inmmunoglobulin; metilprednisolone.