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On-line version ISSN 2007-7033Print version ISSN 1665-109X


REYNAGA-PENA, Cristina G.  and  FERNANDEZ-CARDENAS, Juan Manuel. The scientific education of students with visual impairments: An analysis in the Mexican context. Sinéctica [online]. 2019, n.53.  Epub Aug 28, 2020. ISSN 2007-7033.

This work aims to understand the processes that take place during scientific education of students with visual impairments at the middle school level, with the objective of identifying what is needed for an inclusive science education to be achieved. Although scientific and technological education is considered essential for making informed decisions in everyday life, there is no documentation in the Mexican context that reports how science education takes place for students with disabilities. This analysis, carried out within the qualitative tradition, seeks to give voice to the actors who participate in the process: Students, teachers, administrators and teachers of teacher development programs. Data shows that inclusive science education for students with visual impairment is a multifactorial and complex process that holds challenges in the curriculum implementation, teacher preparation, teacher’s work conditions, and even participation of the family.

Keywords : scientific education; inclusive education; visual impairments; curriculum.

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