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Espiral (Guadalajara)

Print version ISSN 1665-0565


LEON-GANATIOS, Luis Eduardo  and  GARCIA-GONZALEZ, Lidia Ángeles. Evolution of the ideological positioning of the Mexican voter between the 2018 and 2021 elections. Espiral (Guadalaj.) [online]. 2024, vol.31, n.90, pp.121-141.  Epub Nov 15, 2024. ISSN 1665-0565.

Given the irruption of Morena Party in the electoral scenario of 2018, a rise of the left is observed. The purpose of this research is to show the possible scenarios and movements of the political forces of the left and right in the next general elections of 2024 in Mexico, starting from the ideological analysis offered by the Spatial Theory of Vote, which measures electoral preferences based on the location of voters and parties.

Keywords : elections; spatial theory of voting; ideology; alliances.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )