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Espiral (Guadalajara)

Print version ISSN 1665-0565


LARA-MENDEZ, Amaceli  and  RODRIGUEZ-RODRIGUEZ, Guadalupe Judith. Absent body, the impact of enforced disappearance in Mexico. Espiral (Guadalaj.) [online]. 2024, vol.31, n.90, pp.89-120.  Epub Nov 15, 2024. ISSN 1665-0565.

In recent years, the number of people who have been disappeared in Mexico has increased, so this article (of a theoretical nature) was carried out with the aim of measuring the impact of this violent practice in the different social circles where it daily transited the missing person. As specific objectives, we propose: 1) return to the category of “absent body” from physical anthropology to validate the experience lived by the close relatives of the disappeared person; 2) to recover the testimonies of the relatives of the disappeared to measure the psychological effects, social, economic and health of these violent events; 3) make visible and reconsider about these practices and their implications for the health of the population. We consider that with the category of “absent body” we give a new meaning to the fact suffered by the family members, to help them process this painful experience in different ways.

Keywords : enforced disappearance; physical anthropology; body absent.

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