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Espiral (Guadalajara)

Print version ISSN 1665-0565


GOMEZ PADILLA, Gabriel. A research project on the complete works of Eusebio Francisco Kino S.J.: its history and significance. Espiral (Guadalaj.) [online]. 2013, vol.20, n.58, pp.215-245. ISSN 1665-0565.

The article provides the first steps for editing the complete works of Eusebio Francisco Kino S.J. taking the background provided by Herbert E. Bolton. After a careful analysis, it is shown that Kino's Archives has enough documental resources to begin the task of publishing the entire Father Kino writings. The outcome of this enterprise would be a significant contribution to the historiography of the Mexico Norwest region, and of Mexican culture in general.

Keywords : Kino; Bolton; Kino Archives; complete works.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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