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Espiral (Guadalajara)

Print version ISSN 1665-0565


VERGARA, Gabriela. "All past time was better?": ghosts and social fantasies in the Argentinean deindustrialization. Espiral (Guadalaj.) [online]. 2011, vol.18, n.51, pp.137-163. ISSN 1665-0565.

The present work approaches the deindustrialization in the city of San Francisco (Cordova, Argentina) which became manifested from the Eighties as expression of the most global process occuring in Latin America and the country. From a qualitative perspective, there is an attempt to identify the ways in which the subjects draw up and support certain judgments with regard to transformations happened from the analysis of semi-structured interviews. As a working hypothesis, we will sustain that the experience of these critical processes of structural transformation is possible by the good offices of social ghosts and fantasies at the level of the subjects' bodies and emotions.

Keywords : capitalism; deindustrialization; judgments; bodies; social fantasies; ghosts.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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