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Espiral (Guadalajara)

Print version ISSN 1665-0565


HERNANDEZ GARCIA, Ma. Aidé. The challenges of the Mexican democracy: a citizenship without discrimination. Espiral (Guadalaj.) [online]. 2011, vol.18, n.50, pp.219-254. ISSN 1665-0565.

This article proposes explaining how the total exercise of citizenship needs not only legally guaranteed rights, but also a non-discrimination culture. From two premises: The first one is that for the citizen to be active in politics, he needs rights that guarantee his total development, however, the rights do not have to be equal for all the citizens, since there is a great social and cultural diversity, reason why the existence of differentiated rights is proposed. The second premise is to note down that this civil law cannot be exercised widely if there is a culture of discrimination, because although there are laws that favor the development of a full citizenship, if society excludes certain groups it is condemning them not only to poverty but also to have a low self-esteem and a conception of inferiority, attitude that takes them to consider themselves as non legal persons.

Keywords : discrimination; citizenship; plurality.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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