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Espiral (Guadalajara)

Print version ISSN 1665-0565


SALAMA, Pierre. Poverty: A light at the end of the Tunnel?. Espiral (Guadalaj.) [online]. 2008, vol.15, n.43, pp.151-178. ISSN 1665-0565.

When considered as a whole, and in spite of the new policies of redistribution, the decrease of poverty remains below what could have been expected, especially when we compare it to what is happening in countries in Asia. The exit from the tunnel is still far. The effect that the evolution of the types of jobs has on the poverty level is expressed by means of the change in the distribution of income and by means of the importance of economic growth. This results in a paradox. But the fact that the growth rate is weak and that the level of inequalities is very high does not allow the poverty rate to diminish. A strong decline in poverty might be the consequence of a new acceleration in the conomic growth, and this occurs due to a dynamic integration into the world economy, and due to a redistribution of equally high incomes.

Keywords : pobreza; desigualdades; crecimiento; oferta y demanda de trabajo no calificada.

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