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Revista electrónica de investigación educativa

versão On-line ISSN 1607-4041


SOTO VAZQUEZ, José; JARAIZ-CABANILLAS, Francisco Javier; GUTIERREZ-GALLEGO, José Antonio  e  PEREZ-PAREJO, Ramón. Analysis of Reading Habits in Secondary Education in Extremadura. REDIE [online]. 2021, vol.23, e19.  Epub 08-Nov-2021. ISSN 1607-4041.

This study aims to discern the reading habits of secondary education students of the autonomous community of Extremadura (Spain). A survey was conducted with 4,392 students throughout the region. Their reading habits were analyzed in relation to time spent reading, book purchases, preferred literary genres, and other variables that may influence reading habits. By determining the geographic location of respondents, it became possible to map the variables. Key conclusions include clear differences between geographical areas, together with the following findings: women read somewhat more than men; students enrolled in bilingual programs read more; following specific reading plans has no impact on achieving better reading outcomes; despite the increase in digital reading, paper books are still read more; and reading is not perceived as a leisure activity.

Palavras-chave : reading; inequality; secondary education; library.

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