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Revista electrónica de investigación educativa

versión On-line ISSN 1607-4041


GUEVARA BENITEZ, Carmen Yolanda; RUGERIO TAPIA, Juan Pablo; HERMOSILLO GARCIA, Ángela María  y  CORONA GUEVARA, Laura Alejandra. Social-Emotional Learning in Preschool: Foundations, Review of Research, and Proposals. REDIE [online]. 2020, vol.22, e26.  Epub 02-Mar-2021. ISSN 1607-4041.

This study seeks to present the theoretical and methodological foundations for the design and implementation of a curriculum aimed at developing social and emotional skills in preschools in a Latin American context. It lays down the reasons justifying the inclusion of a social-emotional development program in the preschool curriculum, the theoretical foundations underpinning the importance of teaching this aspect of child psychological development, and the findings of empirical studies conducted in a Hispanic and Latin American context. The work concludes by offering theoretically and methodologically grounded guidelines for the implementation of a curriculum that includes teaching social and emotional competence in Latin American preschools.

Palabras llave : Interpersonal competence; emotional development; preschool children; teaching; evaluation.

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