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versión On-line ISSN 2448-5144versión impresa ISSN 1607-050X


ZETINA RODRIGUEZ, Maria del Carmen. Environmental Controversy Surrounding La Zacatecana Dam, Guadalupe, Zacatecas. Desacatos [online]. 2016, n.51, pp.160-179. ISSN 2448-5144.

The ejido La Zacatecana, Guadalupe, Zacatecas, has been subject of several scientific studies both social and economic relating to the presence of heavy and precious metals accumulated In the soils. In the last decade, the projects have attempted to resolve the environmental controversies about the pollution. In this context, this paper explores these studies and how a sense of certainty about the safety of the land amongst the people has developed, despite the presence of metals such as mercury, lead and arsenic.

Palabras llave : water; pollution; science; entrepreneurs; heavy metal.

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