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vol.4 issue35Mujer trabajo y familia: Tensiones, rupturas y continuidades en sectores rurales de Chile centralParentalidades gays y lesbianas: varones y mujeres en familias no heteronormativas author indexsubject indexsearch form
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La ventana. Revista de estudios de género

Print version ISSN 1405-9436


SOSA-SANCHEZ, Itzel A.; ERVITI, Joaquina  and  MENKES, Catherine. Haciendo cuerpos, haciendo género: Un estudio con jóvenes en Cuernavaca. La ventana [online]. 2012, vol.4, n.35, pp.255-291. ISSN 1405-9436.

This article aims to present the findings of a qualitative research regarding the social construction of the body and its meanings among Mexican youngster. Thus, we present the analysis of the semi structured interviews and the group interviews holded with youngsters of different popular neighbourhoods in Cuernavaca. The findings show that having a woman's body or men's body and the fact of "doing gender", is a central part of complex learning trajectories processes continuously renegotiated where gender relations play a central role. The social agents learn what means to be a man or a woman (doing gender), which implies a certain way of acting, being treated and to be identified in a socially located way. So, "doing gender" is experienced in and through the body.

Keywords : body; body changes; gender; social identities; youngsters.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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